Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 Things guys wish girls knew!

We came across this really insightful and funny article on '10 things guys wish girls knew', and we thought we'd share it with you all. Ladies, make sure you take notes (lol!) and feel free to leave your comments!!! :-)

Have you ever imagined yourself entering the mind of a guy? Here’s your chance! 10 shocking facts about guys is from a survey by Jodi Bryson, made up of 150 guys, and what most of them agreed on! Be ready for a shock!!!

1) Calling you on the phone does not mean what you think it means.

"Please, tell me why a girl thinks calling her equals I want her to be my girlfriend," says Mikey.
Nearly every guy they talked to felt tons of pressure from girls when it came to the telephone. "It's like calling a girl means I'm admitting I like her, but that's not what's up," explains Mikey. "It's more like I'm calling because I might like her. I hate calling because the next day the girl acts like she owns me. Or, if she's shy, suddenly she can barely talk to me because she's scared."You know you're hung up on the phone if, when a guy calls, you think you have some kind of romantic upper hand. "I'm just calling because you're cute or nice or whatever," says Jordan.
For a guy, it's just a phone call, not a confession of undying love. Hel-lo!

2) You are much prettier without all that makeup.

Judging from the survey, boys can't stand makeup. In fact, it seems they can't complain about it enough. Sure, they all like pretty girls, but they also have a problem with a face that looks full-on painted. And what looks painted to a guy is far less than what you might think."Why do girls think they need to have so much crap on their faces?" asks Billy. "Girls at my school wear all this black crap on their eyes, and their lips are, like, thick with brown goop. It's ugly. Do they really think that will get them a guy?"
Not all girls apply makeup to 'get them a guy'. Still, it's true that lots of girls get all dolled up so they'll be attractive to the opposite sex. The hatred for cosmetics is serious!. Natural-looking makeup could be the best option.

3) When you act jumpy and giggly, its seriously embarrassing.

"What is up with girls hopping up and down when they're happy about something?" asks Pete. "A girl definitely invented the word 'yay!' because no guy I know has ever used it." Are you guilty of doing the Gily Woo-hoo! dance? It's a combo of baby claps and bobbing on your toes while emitting high-pitched squeals of delight. This is all to say something as normal as ‘you look nice’ to a fellow girl friend.
"I really do want to know why are girls so excited about normal stuff," says Pete. "Every other thing, it's like, 'Ohmigosh! No way". "I think girls like attention, and being excited about something makes people look and wonder what she's so happy about." Colin says.
All the boys surveyed agree that girls could mellow it down a little.

4) Gossiping, whispering and writing notes makes you look beyond shallow.

"Girls are always passing notes around in class, and it's just so dumb," says Joey. "Or they'll look right at me, then whisper to each other and laugh. Do they want me to think they're talking about me? And if it's really true and they are talking about me, then that's just lame."
Rude is the word, actually! And gossip? "When I hear one girl talk trash about another girl, it's like I can't believe it," says Dominic, "like I'm in a bad movie about how mean girls are. If I heard my friends were talking about me like that, I'd transfer schools."
If you absolutely must exchange information, be cool about the notes and discreet about the whispering. Oh, and be sure that the "information" isn't going to hurt someone's feelings, ok?

5) Boys worry about what you think of their hair, skin, weight and clothes.
"My best friend is a girl, and the other day she said my hair looks exactly the same every single day," says Louis. "I couldn't believe it because some days my hair is jacked up." A recent nationally televised news magazine show had a big story about how men are the new vanity victims, and how they stress on their looks as much or more than women. But, if a guy suffers vanity, he doesn't talk about it--at least, not to girls and not as much as girls. Guys totally think about their appearance even if they don't say it out loud. "I had to ask my mom to take me to the dermatologist because I was breaking out on my cheeks and back," says Jay. "I couldn't stand it."His friend Robert has a different issue: "Girls like guys with good bodies but, when I try to get six-pack abs, it never works. I just feel like I have a spare tire all the time."
Moral of the story? Boys have self-image issues, too. Isn't it a relief to know that?

6) PMS is no excuse to be mean.

"I know girls get weird at 'that time of the month', but I don't get why they have to act like I'm their worst enemy," confides Sean. "Sometimes, my sister acts like she wishes I were dead because I won't give her the remote control, but all that's going on is she's PMSing. Screaming at me and freaking out on me isn't right."
We know what you're thinking: Boys just don't understand what it feels like to wake up with serious cramps. So, yeah, we feel your pain--and we really mean- feel it. But that's the point: Boys don't. So, you're pained? Look, face it--the hormones that go with menstruating affect moods and, yeah, sometimes make a girl mean as a hungry dog. But barking at a boy because you don't feel well?
Just deal the best you can by taking care of yourself. This includes not totally indulging in caffeine, sugar or greasy foods--all three aggravate physical and emotional symptoms. Get plenty of sleep, drink loads of water, and take lots of warm baths--yes, even in the afternoon when you get home from school. Soaking in bubbles while daydreaming is an on-your-period girl's best friend. Oh, and if you do snap at a boy for no other reason than those nasty hormonal intrusions, a short, simple apology ("Sorry--I was in a bad state of mind yesterday") could go a long way.

7) Talking about your "big" butt is so boring."

"If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when a girl asks me if she looks fat," says Stephen.
Boys do not want to listen to a girl's insecurities about her body. True, some guys have issues with what a girl weighs, but they all have different tastes when it comes to the feminine physique. Whether you're questioning a guy friend for his honest opinion or fishing for a compliment from a guy you like, asking about your body is a no-win situation. You're just putting the guy on the spot. And, guess what--if a boy likes you, he likes you for the way you are right now, this second.
A shy boy named Paul says it awesome; "Girls' bodies are an endless mystery to me. I think you're all beautiful."

8) Tight clothes look uncomfortable, cheap, and sort of desperate and insecure.

"My sister complains that boys always stare at her boobs, but she wears tight shirts that totally show off her boobs," says Chad. "I'm confused."
Many guys don’t like it when other guys are looking at their girlfriend's body, it’s really uncomfortable. There’s really no point looking so cheap and expecting guys to respect you, you just have to dress how you will like to be addressed.

9) Most boys are looking for the right girl.

Daniel puts it so eloquently: "I would love to find a girl who's cool and doesn't act like such a girl." Guess when he says ‘such a girl’ he is referring to one of the characteristics already listed. Whatever his logic, Daniel is not the only boy looking for a girl to like! Don't believe it? "I'm sick of everyone acting like boys aren't as mature as girls," says D.B. "It's just that we also think about other stuff. If it happens, it happens, but I'm not going to talk to my friends on the phone about girls every day."
One thing that is abundantly clear is that boys think girls are way too into finding a BF. As Eric says, "Do girls want any guy or the right guy?"
Sending signals is good because some boys are shy just as some girls are shy. But check to see if you and your girls are over doing it. Do you constantly discuss guys? Is who-likes-who the topic du jour, every jour? If so, pull back a bit, at least around the guys.

10) If you like him, just tell him.

"If you like me, just tell me. If you don't, say you're not into me like that," says Ray.
OK, just telling a guy you like him isn't as easy as it sounds and may make you look cheap. But all the guys agreed on this one, which means there is a way you can pass your message across. Find out if the guy likes you from the way he acts around you and if he seems to like you, you can make it easier for him by asking him to define your relationship. He may eventually tell you, but its risky to tell him first cause you may feel sad if you find out he was just being friendly.  


  1. I won't disagree with the list but one I give importance and was missing was, the longer it took for a girl to agree to date a guy must be equal to how spectacular the girl was. The mistake a girl could make was 'scrutinise' a guy for a long period of time before she agrees to date him. The guy gets to know the girl as they date and gets disappointed when he realises the girl didn't deserve the chase in the first place.
    You could compare it to a movie about to be released with much hype. If it was eventually released and it wasn't as entertaining as the hype ppl would be quick to diss the movie. So girls that make a guy feel having them was like having the world berra represent or they lose the guy faster than he chased them.

  2. as a girl i will never tell a guy i like him ever,the thing i find is sha fronting doesnt work,if he likes you and its reciprocal,then relax and let things flow. i feel telling him makes me look cheap looking. dont guys like doing the chasing?abi should i be the one chasing dem? abeg i no sabi dat one o,even if i like him die
