Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet Modé the Artist...

Meet Modé, an extremely talented artist. We think her paintings are amazing; see for yourself!

We asked Modé about painting, what inspires her, and some other stuff. Here’s what she had to say…

Modé- “graduated last year from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. I've always enjoyed painting since I was a kid, but started taking it seriously in 2009.

I enjoy reading, watching movies and visiting countries I've never been to. I am inspired by original concepts that keep me thinking. It can be in anything from politics to art.

As for my artwork, I like painting portraits. I’m also interested in making each art piece unique from the rest.

I seriously can’t foresee ten years from now. I do look at the future but not that far ahead.

I don’t have advice for artists in particular because considering myself as an artist is new to me. I only have 2- 3 years experience of being a serious painter. But what I can say to everyone is you can only achieve anything if you are consistent. Be consistent!”

To see more of Modé’s amazing art works check out her blog Stay inspired! X


  1. Thank you for the feature. The Toni Morrison painting is not mine. I was praising the artist Jacqui Oakley

  2. We're so sorry for the mix-up! We've taken out the Toni Morrison painting and replaced it with another one of your paintings.

  3. These are wonderful paintings! the beauty of the black woman is nicely portrayed.
